Registrati per visualizzare i prezzi. Il nostro mondo nella tua cassetta degli attrezzi. Jetzt Produktwelt entdecken! Wir investieren Jahre Erfahrung in neue Problemlöser – für Ihren optimalen Helfer.
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Produzione e commercializzazione apparecchi e servizi per la manutenzione di autoveicoli, motocicli e veicoli pesanti Tel. Bosch Mobility Solutions. It offers a complete range of special service tools, diagnostics, and workshop equipment as well as an extensive portfolio of components – from new and exchange parts to repair solutions – for passenger cars, commercial vehicles, construction equipment, and special-purpose vehicles. Tecnologia per la vita: vogliamo che i nostri prodotti suscitino entusiasmo, migliorino la qualità della vita e contribuiscano a preservare le risorse naturali. Moving stories and inspiring interviews.
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La Ricerca Migliore e Più Rapida! Invented for life: we want our products to spark enthusiasm, improve quality of life, and help conserve natural resources. With high quality auto parts, world-class service and state-of-the-art diagnostic equipments, We keep vehicles moving. We look forward to your call and will be pleased to assist you.

Charges vary depending on your service provider and country. Hause liefern lassen. Al primo posto per noi ci sono le persone e la sicurezza della loro mobilità. Ed è per questo che lavoriamo incessantemente a una combinazione unica di pezzi di ricambio, diagnostica, attrezzature per officine e servizi.
Mit unserer 30-tägigen Rückgabegarantie haben Sie beim Ausprobieren keine Eile! Infatti, prima di andare in produzione di serie, essi passano attraverso una numerosa serie di test. IN NORTH AMERICA 8AM - 5PM CST MON-FRI FOR BOSCH WORLD WIDE CLICK HERE CLICK TO CALL.
For us, the focus is on people and helping them to stay mobile. Our dedication is an unwaivering commitment to providing them with a unique combination of parts, diagnostics, workshop equipment and services. Tehnică pentru o viaţă: ne dorim ca produsele noastre să trezească entuziasm, să îmbunătăţim calitatea vieţii şi să ajutăm la conservarea resurselor naturale.
Entra nella Community! Copertina flessibile. Thanks to the star concept, you can spot the special feature of each product line at first glance. This was the birth of today‘s globally operating company. Right from the start, it was characterized by innovative strength and social commitment.

Global tool development assures global vehicle and component development. High-quality spare parts for your car. Products only go into series production when they have satisfied our exacting requirements. From the moment it leaves your facility to the moment it returns, you will have the latest information.
Dopo tutto, niente lascia le nostre fabbriche senza essere pienamente conforme ai nostri standard.
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